How do i look fairer naturally without any makeup?

fairer skinI know makeup does wonders. Covers your flaws, highlight your features and can make you look like Angelina Jolie (and she’s pretty alright!)

But makeup is fake, takes a lot of time and it doesn’t flaunt your natural beauty. If you have young children (like i do), there is no time for makeup!

Luckily for you who still appreciate natural beauty, i have 2 methods that can lighten your skin tone!


Method 1 happens to be my favorite:

Drink lemon juice and apply it on your face too!
How to do this? Very simple!

You only need half a lemon. Keep the other half in the fridge for tomorrow. Squeeze the juice in a glass.

Then add warm water. The smaller your glass, the lesser the water. The lesser the water, the ‘sour-rer’ it tastes. And its best to drink it this way. (Don’t cheat. Honey is also out!)

Mix well and drink before breakfast.

Benefits are plenty:

  • I lost 2 inches off my waist. I was 34″ and dropped to 32″. Now it’s 30″ – i do HIIT 1-2 times per week.
  • My face appears fairer and clearer.
  • Smoother and supple skin.
  • Cellulite which has been occupying my thighs simply vanished into thin air… I don’t know where they go!

Ok. Next step is:

What to do with the used, squeezed, half lemon wedge. You thought it has served its purpose eh? Wait!

Dont throw the lemon wedge yet!

Hold the wedge firmly on your face. Now, smear it all over your face and neck.

I’m not joking. Do it.

The juice in the pulp contains lots of vitamin C and citric acid that will cleanse your pores deeeeeeeeeep. It will sting for some people. But it’s worth the effort. Its completely alright if there are lemon pulps all over you.

Remember to cover all areas EXCEPT your eyelids and under your eyes. The skin there is the thinnest. Mess with it and wrinkles will appear!

Leave on for 10 minutes and wash with water thoroughly.

Do this for 3 days straight and enjoy a slimmer, fairer you!

A friend asked if she could apply moisturizer after that because she is not used to the ‘clean’ feeling. I said, go ahead!

One thing to note if you choose the lemon juice method: Do not use toner on that day. You’re going to strip your skin off its natural oils. It’ll be too dry.
Method 2: Consume a supplement called Glutathione

glutathione now foods

Glutathione is an anti-oxidant, fountain of youth and you can call it a beauty secret. It is the Mother of all anti-oxidants alive.

One thing to note if you choose this method: You need to measure the correct dosage and this post will show you how.

Consume Glutathione regularly to enjoy soft, smooth skin and a healthier body that is pain-free! (Click on image to purchase)

Glutathione is best consumed with Vitamin C. So, you can drink warm lemon water, smear the juice on your face and consume Glutathione all at the same time.

Bear in mind that glutathione has detox effects so please consult a doctor before you consume it.

There you go! 2 methods that you can help you look fairer naturally without applying makeup. Do you have a beauty recipe? Come share with us why you love it!


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