How to lose 4kg in 10 days

How to lose 4kg in just 10 days?

How to lose 4kg in 10 daysThat’s right. I did it in just 10 days!

I went for a short holiday at Penang and I knew I gain weight… a lot of weight.

As you all know, whenever you go visit a distant relative, you’re kinda forced to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and tea breaks right? Yah, that was what happened to me. And I luvvvv food, especially when someone else cooks it for me! hahaaa!

Ok so how to lose 4kg in just 10 days? (are you serious?!)

I saw someone shared a picture in fb of the ingredients and the steps. She did it and lost 8kg within a week! So ok… i thought i MUST TRY THIS!

But before that, I must say that this recipe is original, i did not add or minus any ingredients, from the fb post that I saw.

  • This super duper fast weight loss food is generally safe for everyone who wish to lose excess weight FAST.
  • Pregnant moms, drink only 1-2 cups per week. Remember, your goal now is to produce a healthy baby, not lose weight!
  • Breastfeeding moms, you can drink this up to 2x a day – it will boost yours and your baby’s immunity, guaranteed!
  • You can continue with your normal fitness routine
  • You can also choose not to exercise if you’re extremely lazy like me
  • There is no need to change your diet or follow a strict meal plan if you dont intend to do so. If you’d like, you can too! Be prepared to lose MORE than 4kg!
  • I suggest you drink at least 2L of water per day during the entire process (which depends on how long you want it to be).

Ok here we go!

How to lose 4kg in 10 days


  • 1 bag of Green Tea, any brand you can find
  • 2 slices of ginger
  • half lemon, sliced
  • lime juice from 2 limes
  • 500ml RO water

This is the steps I did:

  1. Boil the RO water with the green tea bag. Once it bubbles, add ginger. This step will really brew the green tea and ginger together!
  2. Then let them get that hot bath for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add lemon slices and lime juice. Stir well.
  4. Let them have a hot party for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Off the stove and let it cool for 5-7 minutes.

How to lose 4kg in 10 days

Now this is when the potion really put your tongue to a test.

If you’re like me, you can drink anything from “Ubat Periuk” (a herbal drink that tastes Yuckier than Yucks!) to diabetes-induced soft drinks like Coke.

If not, i suggest adding Honey or Stevia into the magic potion that you just brewed. Remember to cool it down first then add your favorite honey! You donch wanna murder the natural enzymes in the honey, do yah???

So how to drink this magic potion?

  • On empty stomach. Before breakfast. 1 glass.
  • Before bedtime. 1 glass
  • Or you can drink 1 glass either before breakfast or before bedtime.

What to expect after drinking the magic potion?

  • Lots of pee. Lots of poop. But not the diarrhea type.
  • Be prepared to feel thirsty most of the time. This shows your body lacks of fluid.
  • I had episodes of lightheadedness for a few days. This shows my blood sugar level drastically drops. So if this happens, a cuppa coffee or Kit Kat will solve the problem.
  • My body feels tired and sleepy. I MUST have short naps! If this happens to you, it shows that your body lacks of rest.
  • Be prepared to sweat more. It shows that the detox process is working fine.
  • Sleep well at night. Seriously, you fall asleep much faster!
  • Tighter tummy, smaller waistline. Ok this doesnt happen overnight. But at the end of the week – you’ll know!

There you go. I’ve spilled it all for you. I hope you find this post useful and if you have any questions during the process – whatsapp me directly at +6591780007!

I be glad to help you! Donch forget to visit my online store ok? 

P/S: I came back from Penang weighing 66.8kg. And 10 days later, I weigh 62.5kg! I FEEL GOOD!!!

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