crystal healing

I did it again! This time it’s healing.

Assalamualaikum Anggun sisters! Hope you are doing great wherever you are!

On 15 Dec 2018, I levelled up again. This time, it’s Beauty Healing Touch Skills.

What is Beauty Healing Touch?

First and foremost, let me explain that this blog post is related to spirituality and inner beauty/inner healing. You are welcome to leave if you’re not an energy believer. I will not hold a grudge on you.

And also, this blog post is especially for you if you are spiritually minded, believe the unseen energies and of course, the power of crystals.

I cannot stress enough that this has got nothing to do with any of your Aqidah, beliefs in Islam and faith. Crystal Healing is just an asbab or rather an alternative method for self-healing.

Alhamdulillah, if you are still here, Assalamualaikum and welcome!

From this day onwards, I am certified to do a Healing Beauty Touch on my clients. What does that even mean?

As we all already know, everything is made of energy. If you know basic science, we all have heard of the matter, mass and force. And if you know Physics, you have heard of potential energy, kinetic energy and so on.

We are energy. Allah Subhanallahu Wa Taala created all of us – from the tiniest bacteria to the tallest mountain, anything that is from the soil to the sky is energy.

You know how it feels like when you are sad? For example, you lost a family member due to sickness or an accident. YOU CRY. That feeling of despair is frequency. The feeling of happiness is frequency. The feeling of gratitude is frequency.

But you are energy. Everyone understand?

Energy can be changed according to its frequency. Which is why sometimes you feel so happy, sometimes you feel so sad, sometimes you feel thankful, sometimes you feel pity. What causes the change? Your frequency aka emotions. Do you understand better now?

As a human, our energy resonates with our emotions. Our emotions define what we are feeling right now. So that is why it’s very important to control our emotions. You can be sad, be happy, be thankful, be empathy – there is a time for every emotion, let it out at the right time and get over it!

But be careful on how you let it out. YOUR ENERGY can affect other people’s energy! That is why when you cry, your friend can cry too. When you are happy, your family members are happy too. When you are thankful, your children are thankful too.

In Beauty Healing Touch, I use the power of crystals to absorb the positive energy and using that energy, I then pass it to you! However you want to look – beautiful, flawless, loving, lovable, calm – it’s all up to you. You set the intention. As a facial therapist, I only go with the flow!

Of course, if you want to experience it yourself, you must believe in Allah Subhanallahu Wa Taala because He is The Rightful Owner of all Earth’s energies and you must believe in Crystal Healing. If you believe in both, the powerful energy emitted around the crystals will be absorbed by you, ready to transfer its benefits to you!

However, if you don’t believe in both, the healing will never happen. The energy in your surroundings is just going to disappear just like that. Wasted!

I have been an energy believer in all my life and only now I found my teachers. If you know what I mean, there is a quote saying :

If you are ready, the teacher will appear.

Not 1 teacher ladies, there are 2 of them. I am so grateful to have found both of them because only now I realise that I wasn’t ready to learn before.

That goes the same to you. What is your intention? What do you really want now… as in NOW?

Set that intention right. To help you get started, you can use this phrase. Feel free to change any way you want.

Ya Allah, I want ____. I am ready to receive ____. Guide me on how to obtain a blessed and berkah ____. 

I pray that you will find whatever you are seeking for, Insya Allah!

If you are interested in my facial services which includes Beauty Healing Touch, do whatsapp me directly. Thank you!

My whatsapp link. Just click here and it will open Whatsapp!

Or my whatsapp no : +6591780007

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