multi level marketing

How to know if a health product is from a multi level marketing company?

As a former Multi Level Marketing (MLM) distributor from several companies in Singapore, I admit that I was not successful running this type of business from home. While it’s nice to think of the ‘opportunities’ I could make, I find myself struggling to keep up with my team members.

I am required to attend meetings, courses and appointments. Although I am able to do everything at my own time and own target, it’s hard for a mother of 2 (below the age of 9) with not-so-supportive husband, no driving license and low on pocket money to be running from one end of the island to another.

Because I’ve chosen the road less traveled, I find it hard to make appointments according to my time – because majority are working office hours! Add that to my tiny list of friends and my shy + introvert personality – Multi Level Marketing does not work out for me. Period.

But i’m not saying that you will fail too! There are people who are successful in Multi Level Marketing like Gurmit Singh and Suria Mohd.

Multi Level Marketing is also known as direct sales. This is because their business model involve direct selling to consumers via Independent Salesperson. In Singapore, most distributors arrange home parties, one-to-one meetups and discretely promoting products and memberships in their workplace.

That brings me to today’s topic – How to know if a health product is from a multi level marketing company?

The ‘friend’ who called you request to meet

Of course! Why not? So you meet up somewhere, you talked, drink, laughed. Then as it gets warmer, he/she talks about life, money and how you shouldn’t be depending on your spouse, spouse’s income and your current income entirely. He/she explains further about retirement, unemployment, retrenchment, falling ill or having chronic diseases. Hmm ok. So should I be depending on his/her income then? This is when you should decide. Be clear, be firm but don’t get aggressive. Use your own words but don’t be rude. If he/she has taken out products or application forms, decline nicely.

Photos of money

Who doesn’t want money right? It’s because of money we all work our a$$ out. Don’t be deceived by empty promises. Lots of money means lots of work, time and energy are put into it. Money doesn’t drop on your lap because your friend succeeded. That’s her/his money. You don’t know what he/she went through. If you have questions, this is the time to ask him/her. If still in doubt, go back home and do your own research. Find out reviews online.

Look out for keywords

Yes. You can definitely tell that the services or products are from MLM companies just by reading their offers. But how?

Here are some tips:

  1. Hardcore MLM distributors do not post prices online and via private messages.
  2. You are requested to attend free workshops, free demo, free facial, free this free that, complimentary this, no obligations that – but all u asked for was the product price.
  3. Items are sold in sets or in pairs or in groups – and you are required to buy them all. No such thing as Buy One Only.
  4. Product names are replaced by more pleasing, nice to hear, sounds good or simply ‘very chim’ terms – For example Japanese Magic Facial, Japanese Detox, Sakura Facial etc.
  5. Products are natural, organic, vegan, non-gmo, no chemical, harvested once a year, probably drop from the sky – therefore they are VERY expensive.
  6. You cannot find their products at normal retail shops because it is an offence to do so. You must find a registered/certified distributor in order to buy.

Primary Target

If you’ve found something that is hard to resist, make you feel like signing up immediately or buy the item asap, ask yourself: Why is this deal too good for me? Read the offer again. Usually they are sales-trained to specifically target the market. Which category do you fall under? Housewife? Working Moms? Self-employed? Tired dads? Dads with loans? Suffering from chronic illnesses? Think about it again.

For now, the above pointers may help you deter future sign ups from Multi Level Marketing members of any company. If I have more to update, I will do so on this post. Meanwhile, here are some links that might help:

  1. General Advise by CASE Singapore :
  2. Consumer Guide by HSA :
  3. Halal Consumer Guide by MUIS Singapore :

To check whether a particular Company is using a Multi Level Marketing business model, you can make use of this link:

Direct Selling Association of Singapore :

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